Club Volleyball Open Gym & Tryouts

Information for future and current players

Eclipse Volleyball Club KC – Kansas City Northland & Independence open gym & tryouts. Information for future and current players. Open Gyms are held in April, May, and June. Tryouts for Eclipse Volleyball Club generally take place during mid-July, August, and September each year.

Volleyball Open Gym and Tryouts – Table of Contents

Information about signing up for an Open Gym or Volleyball Tryouts

Determine age group before open gym & volleyball tryouts

Before registering for our open gym and volleyball tryouts, please determine the age group they will play for the upcoming season. Here’s a link to the Heart of America Volleyball Junior Age Calculator. After registering online, parents receive an Email confirmation or phone call from us.

Volleyball Open Gym Dates

Eclipse Volleyball Club KC generally holds Open Gyms during April, May, and June. Open Gyms are allowed so players, after their school season is over, can retain their volleyball skills for HOA tryouts. For more information on Open Gyms please visit the  HOA website.

Volleyball Tryout Dates

Eclipse Volleyball Club KC generally holds Tryouts during July & August. We can not hold Tryouts until the Heart of America Volleyball Region provides Club Volleyball Teams with the first Tryout date. For more information on Open Gyms please visit the  HOA website.

What we look for during Volleyball Tryouts

During volleyball tryouts, we make every effort to evaluate each player. Eclipse Volleyball Club KC directors and coaches look for the following qualities:

  • Attitude
  • Effort
  • Current Volleyball Skills
  • Enthusiasm
  • Performance
  • Volleyball Knowledge
  • Potential

After each volleyball tryout, our club director will talk with players and parents about our evaluation and invitation process. Depending on the number of athletes who attend volleyball tryouts, we’ll invite players of similar qualities and potential to join one of our current teams or form a team. The process of team forming and recruiting players is a fluid process. Please use our contact us page if you have questions about our volleyball tryouts.

Volleyball Open Gym and Tryout Locations

We hold volleyball open gym & tryouts at both Eclipse Volleyball Facilities. The Eclipse Volleyball Club KC Northland location is 6609 Royal Street, Suite #107, Pleasant Valley, MO 64068. Eclipse’s Independence Club Volleyball Facility address is 13801 East 42nd Terrace S, Independence, MO 64055. Please check our news page, events page, Facebook page, and flyers for the specific locations, dates, times, and age groups attending Open Gym and Volleyball Tryouts.

FAQ Volleyball Open Gym & Volleyball Tryouts

Please read some of the Frequently Asked Questions we receive about our open gym and Volleyball Tryouts.

When do you plan to hold open gym/tryouts?

Open Gyms are held April, May, and June. Volleyball Tryouts are generally held mid- July, Aug, & Sept. Please visit our news page and Facebook page for more information.

How much are open gym/tryouts fees?

$10.00 – parents will need register online and sign a injury waiver form when they arrrive.

Will you tell us about openings with your Volleyball Club at open gym?

Per the Latest HOA FAQ on Open Gym Policies. Volleyball Clubs are allowed to hold open gyms. However they may not use the open gyms as a means to recruit or communicate with players or parents regarding openings in that club.

How much are team fees?

Please visit our team fees page

Does your Club have fundraisers?

The last several seasons we’ve held trashbag and scented candle fundraisers to help offset player’s fees. Players can also apply for the HOA – Glen G. Davies Volleyball Scholarship. See the following post.

How many openings do you have for your club volleyball teams?

Each Team openings vary each season. To find out what openings we have for our club teams please check our latest news and facebook page in mid-July. Also, please call us or use the contact form on this website

How do you determine what age an athlete should play at?

The answer is typically what level they should play at, and correlates as listed below:
12U: 5th and 6th Grade
13U: 7th Grade
14U: 8th Grade
15U: 9th Grade
16U: 10th Grade
17U: 11th Grade
18U: 12th Grade
If an athlete were young for their grade-we typically would like them to play with their grade.
If an athlete is, old for their grade-please call or contact us and we can help you determine your specific situation.
For a definitive answer, please use the HOA Volleyball Site Junior Age Calculator

My daughter play another school sport, is that okay?

We do ask that parents and athletes be mindful of conflicts and work to communicate early to their coach. Team fees are not dependent on the number of tournaments or practices a player can make. Each team member pay the same amount for the entire season, regardless of time commitment

Do you make player cuts?

We try to place as many athletes as possible based on the qualities we are looking for each team. But we are always limited by the number of teams, court time available, and the number of coaches we have.

My Athlete can’t be there on a scheduled tryout date, what should we do?

If you cannot attend either regularly scheduled tryout, please contact us before the tryout week and we will try out best to make arrangements

What HOA (Heart of America Volleyball) Division will the team play?

After our volleyball tryouts and teams have been formed, Coaches and Club Directors will determine whether the team will play in the HOA “Select” or “Premiere” Division. This information is shared with Players and Parent during the offer or the Mandatory Parents meeting. For more details about HOA Volleyball Divisions please visit their parents page.

Where do I go for the open gym/tryouts?

We hold open gym/tryouts at following locations:

Eclipse Volleyball Club KC -Northland Facility
6609 Royal Street, Suite #107
Pleasant Valley, MO 64068

Eclipse Volleyball Club KC -Independence Facility
13801 East 42nd Terrace S
Independece, MO 64055

What should my player bring to the tryout?

  • Water bottle
  • Athletic Clothes and knee pads
  • Open gym/tryout payment
  • Parents fill out waiver form at the open gym/tryouts
  • Arrive at 15-20 minutes before the scheduled start

How and when do I know my daughter/son has joined Eclipse Volleyball Club KC team?

After the volleyball tryout, our club director will outline the selection and notification process. Each year the HOA provides a date that a signed agreement to play for a club can be accepted. Parents/Players have 24 hours after they receive the our club agreement to fax or email it back to our club directors. A commitment payment should be mailed within 24 hours to hold your players spot on the team.

Resources for Parents

The Heart of America Volleyball website has a detailed page for Parents locating a volleyball club for their athlete. Please go to the following link:

Cascade Volleyball Club from Seattle, Washington has good tips for tryouts. Please go to the following link for more information:

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