Eclipse Volleyball Club KC’s 2019 Trash bag fundraiser starts now! The Trash bag fundraiser will end August 31st. (This information was updated for the 2019-2020 Volleyball Season)*
Fundraisers are not mandatory but can help offset the cost of your fees. Profits will be credited to your account for the following month.
If your fees are paid off and you choose to participate in a fundraiser the profits will be added to our “community fund” to help a player in need.
Trash bag fundraising Information
- All bags are made with 100% Recycled Plastic
- COST PER ROLL = $12.00 (this will purchase rolls & return $5.25 per roll back to your family.) No money is coming into the program. The proceeds all go back to your player’s account.
- Collect Money when taking orders!
- Pay by cash, money order or make one check payable to Eclipse KC Volleyball. We do not want to take checks from your family and friends as we don’t know them!
- On or before August 31st, return the order form, with one payment. Your order form will be returned to you
Trash bag selling tips
Use the following example paragraph when you send out your request
“Dear Family and Friends, we are selling Trash Bags and they cost $12.00 per roll. We have 4 sizes to choose from: 18 gal White, 30 gal Black, 39 gal Yellow and 55-60 gal Green. Please let me know what color and how many you would like. Thanks for your support.“
For more information on our Trash Bag Fundraiser, please contact Coach Diane or Coach Charles.